.. _getting_started: How to get started ================== If you want to add a Basic Model Interface (BMI) to your own model, here are some tips on getting started. 1. Take a look at the list of BMI :ref:`control functions and their descriptions ` to get an idea of what these functions are meant to do and how they provide a standard set of controls for your model. 2. On the theory that it's often easier to start with an example and modify it, we recommend starting with a copy of the :ref:`BMI example code`---look for the version written in the language of your model---to use as a template. Each link points to a GitHub repository that includes an example model called "heat", and a corresponding BMI in a file called "bmi_heat" (so, for example, the Python version is "bmi_heat.py", the C version is "bmi_heat.c" and "bmi_heat.h", etc.). You can grab copies by cloning the repository to your local machine and doing a file copy from there, or by selecting, copying, and pasting the code directly into your favorite editor. 3. Modify each of the BMI functions in the template file so that it works on your model, rather than on the original "heat" example. Depending on how your model code is structured, you may need to do some :term:`refactoring `. For example, if your model's initialization and main processing are lumped together in the same body of code, you will need to divide them into separate functions. Our experience is that codes that are already modular usually need little or no modification, whereas codes that are more monolithic tend to require a lot more refactoring (but that is probably worthwhile anyway for the sake of the quality and sustainability of the code!). Each case is a bit different. Be sure to check out our :ref:`BMI best practices ` document for tips. We encourage you to contact us with questions by posting an issue on the `CSDMS Help Desk`_. 4. Test it out. Try writing a program or script that initializes your model with a simple test case using the :ref:`initialize` function, runs it with the :ref:`update` or :ref:`update_until` functions, and exchanges data using :ref:`get_value` and :ref:`set_value`. Run a test to verify that you get the same output from your BMI'd model that you got from it prior to BMI'ing. (Note: we recommend writing a :term:`unit test` for each of your BMI functions; to learn more about unit tests, check out our `webinar`_). 5. *(Optional but cool)* With a few additional steps, you can make your model operate as a :ref:`pymt ` component, so you can drive it directly from a Python shell, and write Python scripts to couple it with other models. (Learn more about *pymt* :ref:`here `, and through its `documentation`_.) The CSDMS Integration Facility team can provide help and guidance on this process: just contact us through the `CSDMS Help Desk`_. .. Links: .. _CSDMS Help Desk: https://github.com/csdms/help-desk .. _webinar: https://csdms.colorado.edu/wiki/Presenters-0478 .. _documentation: https://pymt.readthedocs.io